Lista taxonómica T3F, lengua principal: ES, subsidiaria: LA, interfaz: ES, trabajo en curso

zona de continuidad

Navegación por listas
Página de inicio Página inicial de taxonomía
Nivel superior complejo anatómico Corto Todo
Nivel 2 articulación anatómica Corto Todo
Nivel actual zona de continuidad Corto
Idioma subsidiaria con latín
Idioma principal no latín
Lista taxonómica
Corto español equivalente
Corto término oficial latino
11337 10817
zona de continuidad
zona continuentis
3726 13756
3727 13757
anastomosis vascular
anastomosis vascularis
3728 13758
anastomosis arteriosa
4121 part
red acromial de la toracoacromial
rete acromiale arteriae thoracoacromialis
8762 part
prominencia subicular; circunvolunción subesplenial
dens subiculi ; gyrus subsplenialis
22838 4152 part
arco palmar profundo
arcus palmaris profundus
44676 4380 part
red articular de la rodilla
rete articulare genus
44677 4381 part
red patelar
rete patellare
296683 15657 part
arco inferior de labios de la boca
arcus labiorum oris inferior
296648 15658 part
arco superior de labios de la boca
arcus labiorum oris superior
7617 part
dermis del párpado
dermis palpebrae
59002 6984 part
circulo vascular del nervio óptico
circulus vasculosus nervi optici
58529 6946 part
circulo arterial mayor del iris
circulus arteriosus major iridis
58581 6947 part
(circulo arterial menor del iris )
(circulus arteriosus minor iridis )
3729 13759
anastomosis venosa T4 21 hijos
anastomosis venosa
50784 4557 part
confluencia de los senos
confluens sinuum
22914 4717 part
arco venoso palmar superficial
arcus venosus palmaris superficialis
67977 4714 part
red venoso dorsal de la mano
rete venosum dorsale manus
15525 part
anastomosis cavocaval
anastomosis cavocavalis
15526 part
anastomosis cavocaval subcutánea
anastomosis cavocavalis subcutanea
15527 part
anastomosis cavocaval muscular
anastomosis cavocavalis muscularis
15528 part
anastomosis cavocaval retroperitoneal
anastomosis cavocavalis retroperitonealis
15529 part
anastomosis cavocaval vertebral
anastomosis cavocavalis vertebralis
15491 part
anastomosis portocaval
anastomosis portocavalis
15492 part
anastomosis portocaval gastroesófagica
anastomosis portocavalis gastrooesophagealis
15496 part
anastomosis portocaval rectal
anastomosis portocavalis rectalis
15497 part
anastomosis portocaval subcutanea
anastomosis portocavalis subcutanea
15498 part
anastomosis portocaval muscular
anastomosis portocavalis muscularis
15499 part
anastomosis portocaval preperitoneal
anastomosis portocavalis preperitonealis
15500 part
anastomosis portocaval retroperitoneal
anastomosis portocavalis retroperitonealis
15501 part
anastomosis portocaval hepática
anastomosis portocavalis hepatica
15843 part
anastomosis portocaval mesentericorectal
anastomosis portocavalis mesentericorectalis
58345 6903 part
anillo conjuntival de la
anulus conjunctivus corneae
58342 6904 part
limbo de la córnea
limbus corneae
19985 3210 part
fornix vaginae ♀
19986 3211 part
porción anterior del fórnix de la vagina ♀
pars anterior fornicis vaginae ♀
19987 3212 part
porción posterior del fórnix de la vagina ♀
pars posterior fornicis vaginae ♀
19988 3213 part
porción lateral del fórnix de la vagina ♀
pars lateralis fornicis vaginae ♀
19834 3296 part
red testicular ♂
rete testis ♂
21057 3455 part
raíz del mesentero
radix mesenterii
322621 15581 part
junctio safenofemoral
junctio saphenofemoralis
323735 15582 part
junctio safenopoplíteo
junctio saphenopoplitea
75154 17806
confluencia anatómica
confluens anatomicus
15429 part
confluencia de venas brachiocefalicas
confluens venarum brachiocephalicarum
15957 2581 part
flexura duodenoyeyunal
flexura duodenojejunalis
14555 18124
flexura del colo T4 4 hijos
flexura cervicis
14550 2614 part
flexura derecha del colon ; flexura hepática del colon
flexura coli dextra ; flexura coli hepatica
14551 2616 part
flexura izquierda del colon ; flexura esplénica del colon
flexura coli sinistra ; flexura coli splenica
16021 part
flexura descendente del colon
flexura coli descendens
16022 part
flexura rectosigmoidea
flexura rectosigmoidea
15716 2647 part
unión anorectal
junctio anorectalis
76683 2651 part
zona de transición anal; zona hemorroidal
zona transitionalis canalis analis ; zona haemorrhoidalis
53 items
89 entities
Notas cientificas
Libelle of note
Several Sinus durae matris have been added: 1) Sinus tentorii (Tentorial sinus; see Matsushima M, Suzuki SO, Fukui M, et al. 1989 Microsurgical anatomy of the tentorial sinuses. J Neurosurg 71:923-928); 2) A variable Sinus occipitalis obliquus (Oblique occipital sinus; see Tubbs RS, Bosmia An, Shoja MM, et al. 2011 The oblique occipital sinus: A review of anatomy and imaging characteristics. Surg Radiol Anat 33:747-749); 3) A variable Plexus venosus falcis (Venous plexus of falx; see Tubbs RS, Loukas M, Shoja MM, et al. 2007 Anatomy of the falcine venous plexus. J Neurosurg 107:155-157); 4) A variabe Sinus intercavernosus inferior (Inferior intercavernous sinus; see Tubbs RS, Griessenauer C, Loukas M, Cohen-Gadol A 2014 Circular sinus: An anatomical study with neurosurgical and neurointerventional applications. World Neurosurg 82:475-478).
New term; the Venulae aquosae ('Wasservenen') were described by Ascher KW (1942) Am J Ophthalmol 25:31. They collect the Humor aquosus from the Sinus venosus sclerae, and drain into the Venae episclerales.
The Dentes subiculi (Gyri of Andreas Retzius) were described by Retzius (1896) for the Caudal part of CA1 at the Hippocampal tail; the term Gyri subspleniales (Subsplenial gyri) indicate their position. Deep to the Gyri andreae retzii, two obliquely oriented small gyri are found (Duvernoy 1998; Insausti and Amaral 2012): 1) a medial gyrus: the Fasciola cinerea, which forms the visible part of the Dentate gyrus as descibed by Giacomini (1884) and Klingler (1948); and 2) a lateral gyrus: Gyrus fasciolaris (Fasciolar gyrus), corresponding to the caudal end of the CA3 field.
Under pathological conditions, venovenous ‘bypasses’ open to decrease hypertension in the portal vein system. These are enlarged existing venovenous anastomoses: Portocaval anastomoses. The following major routes can be distinguished (Luzsa G 1972 Röntgenanatomie des Gefäßsystems. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest; Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Between tributaries of the left gastric vein and the oesophageal veins.
Between tributaries of the superior rectal vein and the middle and inferior rectal veins.
Between the paraumbilical veins and tributaries of the superficial eipgastric and thoracoepigastric veins.
Between the paraumbilical veins and tributaties of the inferior and superior epigastric veins within both rectus abdominis muscles.
Between the paraumbilical veins and tributaries of the vesical venous plexus running in the midline along the median umbilical ligament.
Between veins of the spleen and retroperitoneal veins and veins of the posterior abdominal wall.
Between veins of the hepatic capsule and veins of the diaphragm at the area nuda hepatis.
Under pathological conditions, such as hypertension in one of the venae cavae, anastomoses cavocavales ( venovenous ‘bypasses’) open to relieve hypertension. The following groups can be distinguished (Luzsa G 1972 Röntgenanatomie des Gefäßsystems. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest; Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Between tributaries of the superficial epigastric veins and those of the thoracoepigastiv veins within the subcutaneous layer of the anterolateral body wall.
Between tributaries of the inferior epigastric veins and those of the superior epigastric veins within the rectus abdominis muscle.
Between tributaries of the lumbar veins and those of the ascending lumbar veins draining into the azygos and hemiazygos veins
Between tributaries of the vertebral venous plexuses, extending along the vertebral column and within the vertebral canal.
The saphenofemoral junction is the termination of the great saphenous vein into the common femoral vein (Caggiati et al. 2002 J Vasc Surg 36:416-422; Caggiati et al. 2005 J Vasc Surg 41:719-724; Kachlik et al. 2010 Phlebology 25:162-173).
The saphenopopliteal junction is the termination of the small saphenous vein into the popliteal vein (Caggiati et al. 2002, 2005; Kachlik et al. 2012).
The Arcus labiorum inferior is an arterial anastomosis between both superior labial arteries, located in the musculus orbicularis oris of the lower lip (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
The Arcus labiorum superior is an arterial anastomosis between both superior labial arteries, located in the musculus orbicularis oris of the upper lip (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Between the inferior mesenteric vein and the middle and inferior rectal veins.
The descending colic flexure marks the alteration of the direction colon between the descending and sigmoid colon (Musil et al. 2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13).
The rectosigmoid flexure marks the alteration of the direction colon between the sigmoid colon and the rectum (Musil et al. 2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13).
Type of list T3F
List Unit Identifier 10817
Sublist 1 3210 fornix vaginae 5/4 on 6.1.2025
Sublist 2 13758 anastomosis arteriosa 31/12 on 6.1.2025
Sublist 3 13759 anastomosis venosa 21/18 on 6.1.2025
Sublist 4 18124 flexura cervicis 4/5 on 6.1.2025
Subtotals subchildren 61 subunits 39
Proper children 27
Number of children 88 (validated)
Proper units 14
Number of units 53 (validated)
Signature 22565 (validated since 30.10.2024)
Fecha: 06.01.2025